Graphics::MNG version 0.04


Graphics::MNG - Perl extension for the MNG library from Gerard Juyn (


   # OO-interface
   use Graphics::MNG;
   my $it=['user data'];
   my $obj = new Graphics::MNG (                   ); # w/o user data
   my $obj = new Graphics::MNG ( undef             ); # w/o user data
   my $obj = new Graphics::MNG ( $it               ); # w/  user data
   my $obj = Graphics::MNG::new(                   ); # w/o name w/o data
   my $obj = Graphics::MNG::new('Graphics::MNG'    ); # w/  name w/o data
   my $obj = Graphics::MNG::new('Graphics::MNG',$it); # w/  name w/  data
   $obj->set_userdata(['user data']);
   my $data = $obj->get_userdata();
   print @$data[0],"\n";
   undef $obj;

   # functional interface
   use Graphics::MNG qw( :fns );
   my $handle = initialize( ['more user data'] );
   die "Can't get an MNG handle" if ( MNG_NULL == $handle );
   my $rv = reset( $handle );
   die "Can't reset the MNG handle" unless ( MNG_NOERROR == $rv );
   my $data = get_userdata( $handle );
   print @$data[0],"\n";
   $rv = cleanup( $handle );
   die "handle not NULL" unless ( MNG_NULL == $handle );


   This is alpha stage software.  Use at your own risk.

   Please visit to learn all about the new 
   MNG format.

   MNG (which stands for Multiple Network Graphics) is an extension  
   of the PNG format, which is already gaining popularity over the 
   GIF format. MNG adds the aspect of animation that PNG lacks.

   The Gd module (by Lincoln Stein) supports PNG formats, but MNG is 
   more complicated. It would be cumbersome to add support to the Gd 
   interface for MNG.

   Gerard Juyn as been kind enough to bring us a C-library that 
   supports MNG, so now I thought I'd do my part in bringing you a 
   Perl interface to that library.

   The Graphics::MNG module is an attempt to provide an "accurate"
   interface to the MNG graphics library.  This means that the Perl
   methods supported in this module should look very much like the
   functions in the MNG library interface.

   This module supports both a functional and an OO interface to the 
   MNG library.


   Everthing under the :constants tag is exported by default.

   Ideally, you'll use one of the incantations of new() to get 
   yourself an object reference, and you'll call methods on that.


   :all               -- everything
   :callback_types    -- enum list of callback types (MNG_TYPE_*)
   :canvas            -- constants for canvas ops (MNG_CANVAS_*)
   :canvas_fns        -- functions for canvas ops (MNG_CANVAS_*)
   :chunk_fns         -- functions for chunk ops (getchunk_*,putchunk_*)
   :chunk_names       -- constants for chunk ops (MNG_UINT_*)
   :chunk_properties  -- constants for chunk ops
   :compile_options   -- constants describing how this extension was built
   :constants         -- constants which are commonly used
                         (MNG_FALSE,   MNG_TRUE, 
                          MNG_NOERROR, MNG_NULL, MNG_INVALIDHANDLE)
   :errors            -- constants returned as error values
   :fns               -- functions for the MNG functional interface
   :misc              -- constants misc.  (MNG_SUSPEND*)
   :version           -- functions to return various version numbers
   :IJG               -- constants IJG parameters for compression
   :ZLIB              -- constants zlib compression params for deflateinit2


   The OO-I/F is the same as the functional interface, except that you
   new() your handle into existence, and you undef() it out.  Also,
   you don't pass it as the first parameter to any of the methods -- 
   that's done for you when you use the -> calling syntax to call a

   There are a *lot* of interface functions in the MNG library.  I'd 
   love to list them all here, but you're really better off opening up 
   the libmng.h file, related documentation, or the Graphics/ file 
   and looking at the list of exported methods.  I'll try to make a 
   list here of the methods that deviate in interface characteristics 
   from those found in the MNG library itself.

   I doubt that I've implemented the Perl interface correctly for all 
   of them.  You will find bugs.  Sorry about that.

   In some cases it is convenient to change the Perl interface to make 
   it more convenient to use from within Perl.  A good example of this 
   is any mng_get*() methods that returned values via pointers in the 
   parameter list.  Most or all of these will return a list of values 
   (with the status as the first element), and will only accept the
   input parameters.  On error, only the status code is returned.

   The method getlasterror() behaves in a similiar manner, except that
   it will return the list of parameters only when there is an error.
   Otherwise, it just returns the status (in this case MNG_NOERROR).

   The method initialize() currently takes only one argument -- a
   scalar (typically a reference) to user data.  If the MNG library is
   not compiled with MNG_INTERNAL_MEMMNGMT, then this Perl interface 
   will provide default memory allocation support.  You can use other
   interface methods to enable/disable trace support.

   I've also added some new methods to the interface:
   my ($name, $type) = getchunk_name([$hHandle,] $iChunktype);
   my ($rv, $href)   = getchunk_info($hHandle, $hChunk, $iChunktype)
   my ($rv)          = putchunk_info($hHandle, [$iChunktype,] \%chunkHash)

   This method takes the chunktype and returns the ASCII name of the 
   chunk, and also a string containing the hexadecimal representation of
   the chunktype.  The $hHandle arg is optional (to support the OO-I/F),
   and is not used.  Consider this to be a class method.

   This method uses the $iChunktype parameter to look up the correct
   getchunk_*() method to call on the $hHandle object to get the chunk
   information related to $hChunk.  It returns a list of status and a
   hash reference containing all of the chunk information.  If called in
   a scalar context, an array reference containing this list is returned.
   The key names of the hash correspond to the libmng parameter names for
   the appropriate mng_getchunk_*() function.

   There are two additional fields added to the returned hash:
      'iChunktype' : the type as passed in by $iChunktype
      'pChunkname' : the chunk name (from getchunk_name($iChunktype))

   This hash reference can be passed directly to putchunk_info().

   This method uses the $iChunktype parameter to look up the correct
   putchunk_*() method to call on the $hHandle object.  The key names
   of the hash must correspond to the libmng parameter names for the
   mng_putchunk_*() function that will be called.

   If the $iChunktype parameter is excluded, then the hash is examined
   for a field named 'iChunktype'.

   If any fields are excluded, they default to '0', which (before
   presentation to the libmng interface) will translate to a string for
   array and pointer types, and will translate to zero for integer types.
   This seems safe because most arrays and pointer types are accompanied
   by a length field, which will also default to zero if it is excluded.

   This method is mostly useful for directly copying chunks from one file 
   to another in conjunction with the getchunk_info() method.


   The MNG library is designed around the concept of callbacks.  I've 
   tried to make the Perl interface closely model the library interface.  
   That means that you'll be working with callback functions.  Depending 
   on your point of view, that's a limitation.

   If you want to write a file with the MNG library, you'll have to
   call create() before writing chunks.  That's just how libmng works.
   If you forget, you'll be disappointed with the results.

   This Perl module is in the alpha stage of development.  That means
   that you'll be lucky to compile it, let alone use it effectively
   without tripping over bugs.

   The MNG library may have limitations of its own, please visit the MNG 
   homepage to learn about them.


   You'll need a compiled MNG library, complete with header files, in 
   order to build this Perl module.

   MNG requires some or all of the following support libraries:
   - lcms (little CMS)
   - libjpeg
   - libz

   Specifically, I compile the MNG library (static library, NOT a DLL)
   using MSVC++ with the following compilation flags:


   Since this is alpha software...
   - compile the MNG as a static library (Win32) or as a shared library
   - edit Makefile.PL as appropriate for your header file and lib paths

   Then you can install this module by typing the following:
   perl Makefile.PL
   make test
   make install


   There is a suite of tests packaged with this module.  Test #0 is 
   really just a setup script that has been pieced together from other 
   sources.  It uses pure PERL to generate a test case MNG file for 
   later tests.  If you have GD, it will also generate the necessary
   PNG images.

   Since all of the output of this script is already packaged in the
   distribution, you probably won't need to run it.  It's just there
   for your reference and my convenience.

   The last couple of tests actually read and write MNG files.  There 
   are some good examples in there, it's worth checking out.

   If you're on cygwin, 'make test' may not work correctly.  If it
   complains about not being able to open up t/*.t, just type this 
   at the command prompt in the Graphics/MNG directory:
      perl -Mblib


   I have successfully read and written MNG files with this interface.
   If you can't write (simple) MNG files, you may be doing something
   wrong.  See the section LIMITATIONS for related topics.

   You may have noticed that the "mng_" prefix has been removed from
   all of the functions.  This was done to make the OO-I/F look
   prettier.  However, if you import the functional interface, you'll
   get read() and write() in your namespace, thus clashing with Perl's
   built-in functions.  I may change the name for these in the future
   (i.e. an interface deviation).  In the meantime, I suggest that you
   use sysread() and syswrite() in your callbacks.  Even better, use
   the OO-I/F and don't import qw(:fns).

   I'm developing exclusively on Win32 for now, although everything
   *should* work well for any other platform that the MNG library

   I'm pretty sure that I have *not* gotten all of the appropriate
   #ifdef protection around parts of the XS code that may be affected
   by MNG compilation flags.


   This is alpha software.  Expect the worst.  Hope for the best.

   For any functions that return or accept an array of integers or 
   structs, I plan (eventually) to provide a Perl interface that accepts 
   an array of integers or structs (the structs themselves probably being 
   represented as arrays or hashes).  Right now, you'll need to pack() 
   and unpack() the string.

   I may add a convenience method to insert PNG or JNG files into the
   MNG stream.  This would make use of getchunk_*() and putchunk_*()


   David P. Mott (


   I'd love to support this interface full time, but my work schedule
   won't allow that.  If you see a problem, try to fix it.  If you can
   fix it, write a test case for it.  If you get all of that done, send
   me the fix and the test case, and I'll include it in the next release.

   If you can't fix it, or don't know how to test it, go ahead and send 
   me some email.  I'll see what I can do.

   If you want to maintain this module, by all means mail me and I'll
   get you set up.

   Releases will happen approximately whenever I feel like I have 
   something worthwhile to release, or whenever I get a whole bunch of 
   email from people like you demanding a release.


   The Graphics::MNG module is Copyright (c) 2001 David P. Mott, USA
   All rights reserved.

   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the same terms as Perl itself (i.e. GPL or Artistic).

   See the the Perl README file for more details.
   (maybe here:

   For more info on GNU software and the GPL see
   For more info on the Artistic license see



   The PNG homepage:
   The MNG homepage:
   The PNG specification:
   The MNG specification:

   The JPEG homepage:
   The Lcms homepage: 
   The Zlib homepage:

   The GD module:         [download it from your favorite CPAN server]
   The GD homepage:
   The Freetype homepage: