NAME MARC::Leader::Print - MARC leader class for print. SYNOPSIS use MARC::Leader::Print; my $obj = MARC::Leader::Print->new(%params); my @ret = $obj->print($leader_obj); my $ret = $obj->print($leader_obj); METHODS "new" my $obj = MARC::Leader->new(%params); Constructor. * "mode_ansi" Mode for ANSI color support: 1 - ANSI color support enabled. 0 - ANSI color support disabled. When is undefined, env variables "COLOR" or "NO_COLOR" could control ANSI color support. Default value is undef. * "mode_desc" Use description instead of raw leader values. Default value is 1. * "output_separator" Output separator used in scalar context of "print()" method. Default value is "\n". Returns instance of object. "print" my @ret = $obj->print($leader_obj); my $ret = $obj->print($leader_obj); Process Data::MARC::Leader instance to output print. In scalar context compose printing output as one string. In array context compose list of printing lines. Color (ANSI colors) output is controlled by 'mode_ansi' parameter or env variables "COLOR" and "NO_COLOR". Returns string in scalar context. Returns array of string in array context. ERRORS new(): From Class::Utils::set_params(): Unknown parameter '%s'. EXAMPLE use strict; use warnings; use Data::MARC::Leader; use MARC::Leader::Print; # Print object. my $print = MARC::Leader::Print->new; # Data object. my $data_marc_leader = Data::MARC::Leader->new( 'bibliographic_level' => 'm', 'char_coding_scheme' => 'a', 'data_base_addr' => 541, 'descriptive_cataloging_form' => 'i', 'encoding_level' => ' ', 'impl_def_portion_len' => '0', 'indicator_count' => '2', 'length' => 2200, 'length_of_field_portion_len' => '4', 'multipart_resource_record_level' => ' ', 'starting_char_pos_portion_len' => '5', 'status' => 'c', 'subfield_code_count' => '2', 'type' => 'e', 'type_of_control' => ' ', 'undefined' => '0', ); # Print to output. print scalar $print->print($data_marc_leader), "\n"; # Output: # Record length: 2200 # Record status: Corrected or revised # Type of record: Cartographic material # Bibliographic level: Monograph/Item # Type of control: No specified type # Character coding scheme: UCS/Unicode # Indicator count: Number of character positions used for indicators # Subfield code count: Number of character positions used for a subfield code (2) # Base address of data: 541 # Encoding level: Full level # Descriptive cataloging form: ISBD punctuation included # Multipart resource record level: Not specified or not applicable # Length of the length-of-field portion: Number of characters in the length-of-field portion of a Directory entry (4) # Length of the starting-character-position portion: Number of characters in the starting-character-position portion of a Directory entry (5) # Length of the implementation-defined portion: Number of characters in the implementation-defined portion of a Directory entry (0) # Undefined: Undefined DEPENDENCIES Class::Utils, Data::MARC::Leader::Utils, English, Error::Pure. And optional Term::ANSIColor for ANSI color support. SEE ALSO Data::MARC::Leader Data object for MARC leader. REPOSITORY <> AUTHOR Michal Josef Špaček <> <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT © 2023 Michal Josef Špaček BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.03