NAME MARC::Leader::Print - MARC leader class for print. SYNOPSIS use MARC::Leader::Print; my $obj = MARC::Leader::Print->new(%params); my @ret = $obj->print($leader_obj); my $ret = $obj->print($leader_obj); METHODS "new" my $obj = MARC::Leader->new(%params); Constructor. Returns instance of object. "print" my @ret = $obj->print($leader_obj); my $ret = $obj->print($leader_obj); Process Data::MARC::Leader instance to output print. In scalar context compose printing output as one string. In array context compose list of printing lines. Returns string in scalar context. Returns array of string in array context. ERRORS new(): From Class::Utils::set_params(): Unknown parameter '%s'. EXAMPLE use strict; use warnings; use Data::MARC::Leader; use MARC::Leader::Print; # Print object. my $print = MARC::Leader::Print->new; # Data object. my $data_marc_leader = Data::MARC::Leader->new( 'bibliographic_level' => 'm', 'char_encoding_scheme' => 'a', 'data_base_addr' => 541, 'descriptive_cataloging_form' => 'i', 'encoding_level' => ' ', 'impl_def_portion_len' => '0', 'indicator_count' => '2', 'length' => 2200, 'length_of_field_portion_len' => '4', 'multipart_resource_record_level' => ' ', 'starting_char_pos_portion_len' => '5', 'status' => 'c', 'subfield_code_count' => '2', 'type' => 'e', 'type_of_control' => ' ', 'undefined' => '0', ); # Print to output. print scalar $print->print($data_marc_leader), "\n"; # Output: # Record length: 2200 # Record status: Corrected or revised # Type of record: Cartographic material # Bibliographic level: Monograph/Item # Type of control: No specified type # Character coding scheme: UCS/Unicode # Indicator count: Number of character positions used for indicators # Subfield code count: Number of character positions used for a subfield code (2) # Base address of data: 541 # Encoding level: Full level # Descriptive cataloging form: ISBD punctuation included # Multipart resource record level: Not specified or not applicable # Length of the length-of-field portion: Number of characters in the length-of-field portion of a Directory entry (4) # Length of the starting-character-position portion: Number of characters in the starting-character-position portion of a Directory entry (5) # Length of the implementation-defined portion: Number of characters in the implementation-defined portion of a Directory entry (0) # Undefined: Undefined DEPENDENCIES Class::Utils, Data::MARC::Leader::Utils. SEE ALSO Data::MARC::Leader Data object for MARC leader. REPOSITORY <> AUTHOR Michal Josef Špaček <> <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT © 2023 Michal Josef Špaček BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.01