NAME Finance::Bank::JP::Mizuho SYNOPSIS my $mizuho = Finance::Bank::JP::Mizuho-new( consumer_id => '123455678', password => 'p45sW0rD', questions => { '母親の誕生日はいつですか(例:5月14日)' => '10月1日', # have to use 2byte digits, sucks '最も年齢の近い兄弟姉妹の誕生日はいつですか(例:2月10日)' => '12月2日', '応援しているスポーツチームの名前は何ですか' => '阪神タイガース', }, ); my $accounts = $mizuho->accounts; my $ofx = $mizuho->get_ofx( $mizuho->accounts->[0], $mizuho->CONTINUATION_FROM_LAST, ); DESCRIPTION Perl interface to access your Mizuho Direct <> account. CONSTANT CONTINUATION_FROM_LAST Value for "get_ofx" SAME_AS_LAST Value for "get_ofx" LAST_TWO_MONTHS Value for "get_ofx" FUNCTIONS new ( %config ) Creates a new instance. %config keys: * consumer_id Consumer id of Mizuho Direct ( お客さま番号 ) * password Password for your consumer_id * questions Hash reference paired with: Key as Question, Value as Answer consumer_id accounts returns array of Finance::Bank::JP::Mizuho::Account account_by_number ( $number ) returns an instance of Finance::Bank::JP::Mizuho::Account get_ofx ( $account_or_number , $term ) $account_or_number: an instance of Finance::Bank::JP::Mizuho::Account OR bank account number $term : * "CONTINUATION_FROM_LAST" * "SAME_AS_LAST" * "LAST_TWO_MONTHS" returns list of hash references, parsed by Finance::OFX::Parse::Simple get_raw_ofx ( $account_or_number , $term ) arguments are same as "get_ofx". returns OFX content as scalar host returns random host, provided by Mizuho Direct web service. logged_in returns this instance has logged in login returns logged in successfully. calling this method is not neccesary. logout if you leave the process without calling this method, the account will be locked for about 10 minutes, and you will not able to access the web service. password questions ua TESTING To test this module with real bank data, Type on the shell: $ ppit set $EDITOR launches, then set your account information using Config::Pit like the bellow. ---- consumer_id: '123455678' password: 'p45sW0rD' questions: '母親の誕生日はいつですか(例:5月14日)' : '10月1日' '最も年齢の近い兄弟姉妹の誕生日はいつですか(例:2月10日)' : '12月2日' '応援しているスポーツチームの名前は何ですか' : '阪神タイガース' set environment variable "MIZUHO_TEST_CONFIG", instead of **. $ export MIZUHO_TEST_CONFIG=just_testing_mizuho $ ppit set just_testing_mizuho SEE ALSO Finance::OFX::Parse::Simple AUTHOR Atsushi Nagase <> COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (C) 2011 Atsushi Nagase <> This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.