=head1 NAME B<SmartTail.pm> Routines to smartly tail a file =head1 SYNOPSIS Special tail routines to tail a file, remember where you were, and pick up from there again if necessary. Called as: use File::SmartTail; $tail = new File::SmartTail(file1, file2, ...); while ($line = $tail->Tail()) { print $line; } Or: $tail = new File::SmartTail; $tail->WatchFile(-file=>"file1", -type=>"UNIX-REMOTE", -host=>"lamachine", -user=>"bozo", -rmtopts=>"-type UNIX -prefix appname", -rmtenv=>"PERL5LIB=/lib/foo FOO=bar", -date=>"parsed", -yrfmt=>4, -monthdir=>"../..", -timeout=>999, -request_timeout=>999, -prefix=>appname, -reset=>1); while ($line = GetLine(-doitfn=>\&YourFn)) { print $line; } The format of the result is: hostname:filename:line-of-data See WatchFile for detailed description of options. =head1 DESCRIPTION The File::SmartTail module provides functionality modeled on the UNIX tail command, but enhanced with a variety of options, and the capability to "remember" how far it has processed a file, between invocations. rtail.pl is not normally used directly, but is invoked by a File::SmartTail object when monitoring a file on a remote host. When monitoring files on a remote machine, rtail.pl must be in the path of the owner of the process, on the remote machine. Normally it is installed in /usr/local/bin. =head1 AUTHOR DMJA, Inc <smarttail@dmja.com> =head1 COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2003-2015 DMJA, Inc, File::SmartTail comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is free software, and you are welcome to redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself. See the "The Artistic License" L<LICENSE> for more details. =cut =head2 new $tail = new File::SmartTail($filename1, $filename2, ...) or $tail = new File::SmartTail(-tietype=>$type, -statuskey=>$programname, -bindir=>$rtail_script_location, $filename1, $filename2, ...) B<i-tietype> can be any class that can be tied to a hash like NDBM_File DB_File SDBM_File. Default statuskey is name of invoking program. =cut =head2 Tail $tail->Tail() or $tail->Tail( @files ) (doesn't seem to be supported) Format of the returned line is: $file1: line of file here. As a degenerate case, $tail->Tail( $file ) will simply return the next line without a need to manage or massage. =cut =head2 Watchfile WatchFile(-option1=>"value1", -option2=>"value2", ...) =over 4 B<Required Options:> =over 4 =item -file=>"filename" The name of a file to watch. =back B<Other Options:> =over 4 =item -type=>"UNIX" (default, i.e. if omitted) or "UNIX-REMOTE" =item -rmtsh=>"ssh" (default) valid values are "rsh" or "ssh" =item -host=>"host" Required for type "UNIX-REMOTE" unless file name is of the form host:filename (similar to rcp). =item -rmtopts=>"-opt1 val1 -opt2 val2" Any flags that should be passed to the remote process. Since these become command-line args, they should have the form "-opt1 val1 -opt2 val2 ...". =item -rmtenv=>"ENV1=val1 ENV1=val2" Any environment variables that should be set on the remote before runnign the remote process. =item -date=>'parsed' or 'gz' indicates special date-related file processing. B<parsed> is used with files having dates in their name. B<gz> is used for files which are archived so that a new open call is needed to continue monitoring. Other archive file extensions can be used in theory, but the file name is assumed to be of the format name.date.extension =item -yrfmt=>2 or 4 For files having dates in their name, how many digits are used to represent the year. The default is 2, but a value of 4 may be set with this option. =item -monthdir=>$relative_path for files having dates in their name, to indicate, where applicable, the relative position in the path of the month's directory. E.g. ".." =item -timeout=>$secs Used for an application-specific timeout. If the file does not grow during the specified interval, a message of the form host1:file1:_timeout_999999999 is returned, where 999999999 is secs-in-epoch (UNIX timestamp). =item -request_timeout=>$secs Used for an application-specific timeout. If no data is available within the specified interval from the time the request was made (GetLine() was called), a message of the form host1:file1:_timeout_999999999 is returned, where 999999999 is secs-in-epoch (UNIX timestamp). =back B<Internal:> =over 4 =item -heartbeat=>"send" Set on the child process for a "UNIX-REMOTE" file. Similarly, flags will be set in the parent process to listen for the heartbeat. When processing a UNIX-REMOTE file, the child process is set to send an internal heartbeat message, and the local process is set to receive them. The heartbeat messages are of the form host1:file1:_heartbeat_999999999 where 999999999 is secs-in-epoch (UNIX timestamp). =item -current Holds the current file name. This is used when files with date-suffixed names roll, since the hash entry is still keyed by the original file name. =item -prefix a prefix for the filestatus file, which is used to keep track of the seek pointer between invocations. The default is the path of the calling application. =item -reset=>1 will ignore the status file that normally keeps track of Tail's progress through the file, including between invocations =item -clear=>1 like -reset, but will remove the file. =back =back =cut =head2 GetLine Format of the returned line is: $hoste1:$file1: line of file here. If a remote file is being followed, heartbeat messages of the form $host1:$file1:_heartbeat_999999999, where 999999999 is secs-in-epoch are returned. If a set of file opts includes a -timeout, and there is no activity on the file within the timeout interval, messages of the form $host1:file1:_timeout_999999999 are returned. If a set of file opts includes a -request_timeout, and there is no data to be returned within the timeout interval from the time that GetLine was called, a message of the form $host1:file1:_timeout_999999999 is returned. =cut =head2 Heartbeat =cut =head2 ResetHeartBeats Use e.g. if monitor has been paused. Start checking for heartfailure again now. =cut =head2 CheckBeat =cut =head2 CheckTimeout =cut =head2 CheckRequestTimeout =cut =head2 Kill =cut =head2 ArchFile =cut =head2 RollFile =cut =head2 Size =cut =head2 Detecting Exception Notification The following functions may be used to determine if a returned line is a notification of exception conditions. Called as: $tail = new File::SmartTail; $line = $tail->GetLine(); $tail->WatchFile(%options); ($host, $file, $rec) = split (/:/, $line, 3); if ($tail->IsFn($rec)) { # do what you like }; where IsFn represents one of the Is-prefixed functions below. All of the IsFns return 1 if the named condition is present, else undef. =head2 IsTimeout An application timeout has been exceeded. =cut =head2 IsRequestTimeout An application timeout has been exceeded. =cut =head2 IsRollover A -date=>'parsed' file has rolled to the next day. In array context, returns (newfilename, 1) if true !Note: returns 1 in scalar context, and an array with elt 0 containing the new filename in array context. =cut =head2 IsArchived A -date=>'gz' file has been gzip'd (archived). =cut =head2 IsHeartFailure The internal heartbeat has not been detected for longer than the prescribed interval (currently 120 seconds). =cut =head2 IsZipd The file options include -date=>'gz' =cut =head1 Examples =head2 Regular local file use File::SmartTail; $file = "/tmp/foo" $tail = new File::SmartTail($file); while($line = $tail->Tail) { print $line; } or use File::SmartTail; $file = "/tmp/foo" $tail = new File::SmartTail(); $tail->WatchFile(-file=>$file); while($line = $tail->GetLine) { print $line; } =head2 Regular remote file on two hosts use File::SmartTail; $file = "/tmp/foo"; $tail = new File::SmartTail; $tail->WatchFile(-file=>$file, -type=>"UNIX-REMOTE", -host=>"guinness", -rmtopts =>"-type UNIX"); $tail->WatchFile(-file=>$file, -type=>"UNIX-REMOTE", -host=>"corona", -rmtopts=> "-type UNIX"); while($line = $tail->GetLine()) { print $line; } =head2 Local file, with timeout use File::SmartTail; $file = "/tmp/foo"; $tail = new File::SmartTail; $tail->WatchFile(-file=>$file, -type=>"UNIX", -timeout=>70); while($line = $tail->GetLine()) { print $line; } =head2 Remote file named by date, 4-digit year, having month directory use File::SmartTail; $file = "guinness:/tmp/foo20011114"; $tail = new File::SmartTail; $tail->WatchFile(-file=>$file, -type=>"UNIX-REMOTE", -rmtopts=>'-date parsed -yrfmt 4 -monthdir ".." -type UNIX'); while($line = $tail->GetLine()) { print $line; =cut