# NAME Cache::KyotoTycoon - KyotoTycoon client library # SYNOPSIS use Cache::KyotoTycoon; my $kt = Cache::KyotoTycoon->new(host => '', port => 1978); $kt->set('foo' => bar'); $kt->get('foo'); # => 'bar' # DESCRIPTION KyotoTycoon.pm is [KyotoTycoon](http://fallabs.com/kyototycoon/) client library for Perl5. __THIS MODULE IS IN ITS BETA QUALITY. THE API MAY CHANGE IN THE FUTURE__. # ERROR HANDLING POLICY This module throws exception if got __Server Error__. # CONSTRUCTOR OPTIONS - `timeout` Timeout value for each request in seconds. _Default_: 1 second - `host` Host name of server machine. _Default_: '' - `port` Port number of server process. _Default_: 1978 - `db` DB name or id. _Default_: 0 # METHODS - `$kt->db()` Getter/Setter of DB name/id. - `my $cursor: Cache::KyotoTycoon::Cursor = $kt->make_cursor($cursor_number: Int);` Create new cursor object. This method returns instance of [Cache::KyotoTycoon::Cursor](http://search.cpan.org/perldoc?Cache::KyotoTycoon::Cursor). - `my $res = $kt->echo($args)` The server returns $args. This method is useful for testing server. $args is hashref. _Return_: the copy of $args. - `$kt->report()` Get server report. _Return_: server status information in hashref. - `my $output = $kt->play_script($name[, \%input]);` Call a procedure of the script language extension. _$name_: the name of the procedure to call. _\\%input_: (optional): arbitrary records. _Return_: response of the script in hashref. - `my $info = $kt->status()` Get database status information. _Return_: database status information in hashref. - `$kt->clear()` Remove all elements for the storage. _Return_: Not a useful value. - `$kt->synchronize($hard:Bool, $command);` Synchronize database with file system. _$hard_: call fsync() or not. _$command_: call $command in synchronization state. _Return_: 1 if succeeded, 0 if $command returns false. - `$kt->set($key, $value, $xt);` Store _$value_ to _$key_. _$xt_: expiration time. If $xt>0, expiration time in seconds from now. If $xt<0, the epoch time. It is never remove if missing $xt. _Return_: not a useful value. - `my $ret = $kt->add($key, $value, $xt);` Store record. This method is not store if the _$key_ is already in the database. _$xt_: expiration time. If $xt>0, expiration time in seconds from now. If $xt<0, the epoch time. It is never remove if missing $xt. _Return_: 1 if succeeded. 0 if $key is already in the db. - `my $ret = $kt->replace($key, $value, $xt);` Store the record, ignore if the record is not exists in the database. _$xt_: expiration time. If $xt>0, expiration time in seconds from now. If $xt<0, the epoch time. It is never remove if missing $xt. _Return_: 1 if succeeded. 0 if $key is not exists in the database. - `my $ret = $kt->append($key, $value, $xt);` Store the record, append the $value to existent record if already exists entry. _$xt_: expiration time. If $xt>0, expiration time in seconds from now. If $xt<0, the epoch time. It is never remove if missing $xt. _Return_: not useful value. - `my $ret = $kt->increment($key, $num, $xt);` _$num_: incremental _Return_: value after increment. - `my $ret = $kt->increment_double($key, $num, $xt);` _$num_: incremental _Return_: value after increment. - `my $ret = $kt->cas($key, $oval, $nval, $xt);` compare and swap. _$oval_: old value _$nval_: new value _Return_: 1 if succeeded, 0 if failed. - `$kt->remove($key);` Remove _$key_ from database. _Return_ 1 if removed, 0 if record does not exists. - `my $val = $kt->get($key);` Get _$key_ from database. _Return_: the value from database in scalar context. ($value, $xt) in list context. _undef_ or empty list if not exists in database. - `$kt->set_bulk(\%values);` Store multiple values in one time. _Return_: not useful value. - `$kt->remove_bulk(\@keys);` Remove multiple keys in one time. _Return_: not useful value. - `my $hashref = $kt->get_bulk(\@keys);` Get multiple values in one time. _Return_: records in hashref. - `$kt->vacuum([$step]);` Scan the database and eliminate regions of expired records. _input_: step: (optional): the number of steps. If it is omitted or not more than 0, the whole region is scanned. _Return_: not useful. - `my $hashref = $kt->match_prefix($prefix, $max);` Get list of matching keys. _Return_: records in hashref. - `my $hashref = $kt->match_regex($regex, $max);` Get list of matching keys. _Return_: records in hashref. - `my $hashref = $kt->match_similar($origin, $range, $utf8, $max);` Get list of matching keys. _Return_: records in hashref. # AUTHOR Tokuhiro Matsuno <tokuhirom AAJKLFJEF@ GMAIL COM> # SEE ALSO - `[KyotoTycoon](http://fallabs.com/kyototycoon/)` - `http://fallabs.com/mikio/tech/promenade.cgi?id=99` # LICENSE Copyright (C) Tokuhiro Matsuno This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.