# NAME WebService::Simplenote - Note-taking through simplenoteapp.com # VERSION version 0.2.2 # SYNOPSIS use WebService::Simplenote; use WebService::Simplenote::Note; my $sn = WebService::Simplenote->new( email => $email, password => $password, ); my $notes = $sn->get_remote_index; foreach my $note_id (keys %$notes) { say "Retrieving note id [$note_id]"; my $note = $sn->get_note($note_id); printf "[%s] %s\n %s\n", $note->modifydate->iso8601, $note->title, $note->content; } my $new_note = WebService::Simplenote::Note->new( content => "Some stuff", ); $sn->put_note($new_note); # DESCRIPTION This module proves v2.1.5 API access to the cloud-based note software at [Simplenote](https://simplenoteapp.com). # ERRORS Will `die` if unable to connect/login. Returns `undef` for other errors. # METHODS - WebService::Simplenote->new($args) Requires the `email` and `password` for your simplenote account. You can also provide a [Log::Any](https://metacpan.org/pod/Log%3A%3AAny) compatible `logger`. - get\_remote\_index Returns a hashref of [WebService::Simplenote::Note](https://metacpan.org/pod/notes). The notes are keyed by id. - get\_note($note\_id) Retrieves a note from the remote server and returns it as a [WebService::Simplenote::Note](https://metacpan.org/pod/WebService%3A%3ASimplenote%3A%3ANote). `$note_id` is an alphanumeric key generated on the server side. - put\_note($note) Puts a [WebService::Simplenote::Note](https://metacpan.org/pod/WebService%3A%3ASimplenote%3A%3ANote) to the remote server - delete\_note($note\_id) Delete the specified note from the server. The note should be marked as `deleted` beforehand. # TESTING Setting the environment variables `SIMPLENOTE_USER` and `SIMPLENOTE_PASS` will enable remote tests. If you want to run the remote tests **MAKE SURE YOU MAKE A BACKUP OF YOUR NOTES FIRST!!** # SEE ALSO Designed for use with Simplenote: <http://www.simplenoteapp.com/> Based on SimplenoteSync: <http://fletcherpenney.net/other\_projects/simplenotesync/> # AUTHORS - Ioan Rogers <ioanr@cpan.org> - Fletcher T. Penney <owner@fletcherpenney.net> # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE This software is Copyright (c) 2021 by Ioan Rogers. This is free software, licensed under: The GNU General Public License, Version 2, June 1991 # BUGS AND LIMITATIONS You can make new bug reports, and view existing ones, through the web interface at [https://github.com/ioanrogers/WebService-Simplenote/issues](https://github.com/ioanrogers/WebService-Simplenote/issues). # SOURCE The development version is on github at [https://github.com/ioanrogers/WebService-Simplenote](https://github.com/ioanrogers/WebService-Simplenote) and may be cloned from [git://github.com/ioanrogers/WebService-Simplenote.git](git://github.com/ioanrogers/WebService-Simplenote.git)