NAME Archive::Har - Provides an interface to HTTP Archive (HAR) files VERSION Version '0.21' SYNOPSIS use Archive::Har(); my $http_archive_string = '"log": { "version": "1.1", .... '; my $har = Archive::Har->new(); $har->string($http_archive_string); print $har->creator()->name() . ' version ' . $har->creator()->version(); $har->creator()->name("new name"); # update har print $har->browser()->name() . ' version ' . $har->browser()->version(); foreach my $page = $har->pages()) { $page->comment("Something interesting here"); print "Page Title: " . $page->title() . "\n"; } print $har; # print har in stringified pretty form ... DESCRIPTION This Module is intended to provide an interface to create/read/update entire HTTP Archive (HAR) files. SUBROUTINES/METHODS new Archive::Har->new() will return a new HAR object, ready to process HTTP archives string $har->string() accepts a stringified version of an HTTP archive <> and parses it. It returns the previous state of the archive in stringified form hashref $har->hashref() accepts a hashref of the HTTP archive <> and parses it. It returns a hashref of the previous state of the archive gzip $har->gzip() accepts a gzipped version of an HTTP archive <> and parses it. It returns a gzipped version of the previous state of the archive xml $har->xml() accepts a stringified version of Internet Explorer's Network Inspector XML export and parses it. There is no return value version $har->version() will return the version of the HTTP Archive ('1.1' by default) creator $har->creator() will return the creator object for the HTTP Archive browser $har->browser() will return the browser object for the HTTP Archive pages $har->pages() will return the list of page objects for the HTTP Archive entries $har->entries() will return the list of entry objects for the HTTP Archive comment $har->comment() will return the comment for the HTTP Archive DIAGNOSTICS Failed to gzip HAR archive An error occurred while gzipping. Failed to gunzip HAR archive An error occurred while gunzipping. CONFIGURATION AND ENVIRONMENT Archive::Har requires no configuration files or environment variables. DEPENDENCIES Archive::Har requires the following non-core Perl modules * JSON * IO::Compress::Gzip * IO::Uncompress::Gunzip * XML::LibXML INCOMPATIBILITIES None reported SEE ALSO HTTP Archive 1.2 Specification <> AUTHOR David Dick, <ddick at> BUGS AND LIMITATIONS Please report any bugs or feature requests to bug-archive-har at, or through the web interface at I will be notified, and then you'll automatically be notified of progress on your bug as I make changes. LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT Copyright 2015 David Dick. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of either: the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; or the Artistic License. See for more information.