NAME tickit-hello - Tickit application with hello world. SYNOPSIS tickit-hello [-a horiz_align] [-b bg_color] [-f fg_color] [-h] [-v vert_align] [--version] [message] DESCRIPTION This application is Tickit hello world demo. Application could present text string in screen. ARGUMENTS * "-a horiz_align" Horizontal align. Possible values are: * left * center (default) * right * "-b bg_color" Background color. Default value is black. * "-f fg_color" Foreground color. Default value is green. * "-h" Print help. * "-v vert_align" Vertical align. Possible values are: * top * middle (default) * bottom * "--version" Print version of script. * "message" Text message to present on screen. EXAMPLE tickit-hello "Hello world!" REPOSITORY <> AUTHOR Michal Josef Špaček <> <> LICENSE AND COPYRIGHT © 2024 Michal Josef Špaček BSD 2-Clause License VERSION 0.01