[](https://github.com/youpong/App-Gimei/actions) [](https://metacpan.org/release/App-Gimei) # NAME App::Gimei - a CLI for Data::Gimei # SYNOPSIS > gimei [OPTIONS] [ARGS] > gimei 松島 孝太 > gimei name:kanji name:katakana 谷川 加愛, タニガワ クレア > gimei -sep '/' address:prefecture-kanji address:town-kanji 埼玉県/桜ケ丘町 > gimei -n 3 name name:hiragana 山本 公史, やまもと ひろし 久保田 大志, くぼた たいし 堀口 光太郎, ほりぐち こうたろう Omitting ARGS is equivalent to specifying name:kanji. ## OPTIONS -sep string specify string used to separate fields(default: ", "). -n number display number record(s). -h|help display usage and exit. -v|version display version and exit. ## ARGS [WORD_TYPE] [: WORD_SUBTYPE] [- RENDERING] WORD_TYPE: 'name' or 'address' WORD_SUBTYPE('name'): 'last', 'first' or 'sex' WORD_SUBTYPE('address'): 'prefecture', 'city' or 'town' RENDERING: 'kanji', 'hiragana', 'katakana' or 'romaji' \- WORD\_TYPE 'address' does not support RENDERING romaji. \- WORD\_SUBTYPE('name') 'sex' ignore RENDERING. # DESCRIPTION App::Gimei is a CLI for Data::Gimei generates fake data that people's name in Japanese. # INSTALL This app is available on CPAN. You can install this app by following the step below. $ cpanm App::Gimei # DOCUMENTATION After installing, you can find documentation for this module with the perldoc command. $ perldoc App::Gimei You can also look for information at: GitHub Repository (report bugs here) https://github.com/youpong/App-Gimei Search CPAN https://metacpan.org/pod/App::Gimei # LICENSE MIT License # AUTHOR NAKAJIMA Yusaku <youpong@cpan.org>