# NAME EV::Hiredis - Asynchronous redis client using hiredis and EV # SYNOPSIS use EV::Hiredis; my $redis = EV::Hiredis->new; $redis->connect(''); # or my $redis = EV::Hiredis->new( host => '' ); # command $redis->set('foo' => 'bar', sub { my ($res, $err) = @_; print $res; # OK $redis->get('foo', sub { my ($res, $err) = @_; print $res; # bar $redis->disconnect; }); }); # start main loop EV::run; # DESCRIPTION EV::Hiredis is a asynchronous client for Redis using hiredis and [EV](https://metacpan.org/pod/EV) as backend. This module connected to [EV](https://metacpan.org/pod/EV) with C-Level interface so that it runs faster. # ANYEVENT INTEGRATION [AnyEvent](https://metacpan.org/pod/AnyEvent) has a support for EV as its one of backends, so [EV::Hiredis](https://metacpan.org/pod/EV%3A%3AHiredis) can be used in your AnyEvent applications seamlessly. # NO UTF-8 SUPPORT Unlike other redis modules, this module doesn't support utf-8 string. This module handle all variables as bytes. You should encode your utf-8 string before passing commands like following: use Encode; # set $val $redis->set(foo => encode_utf8 $val, sub { ... }); # get $val $redis->get(foo, sub { my $val = decode_utf8 $_[0]; }); # METHODS ## new(%options); Create new [EV::Hiredis](https://metacpan.org/pod/EV%3A%3AHiredis) instance. Available `%options` are: - host => 'Str' - port => 'Int' Hostname and port number of redis-server to connect. - path => 'Str' UNIX socket path to connect. - on\_error => $cb->($errstr) Error callback will be called when a connection level error occurs. This callback can be set by `$obj->on_error($cb)` method any time. - on\_connect => $cb->() Connection callback will be called when connection successful and completed to redis server. This callback can be set by `$obj->on_connect($cb)` method any time. - connect\_timeout => $num\_of\_milliseconds Connection timeout. - command\_timeout => $num\_of\_milliseconds Command timeout. - loop => 'EV::loop', EV loop for running this instance. Default is `EV::default_loop`. All parameters are optional. If parameters about connection (host&port or path) is not passed, you should call `connect` or `connect_unix` method by hand to connect to redis-server. ## connect($hostname, $port) ## connect\_unix($path) Connect to a redis-server for `$hostname:$port` or `$path`. on\_connect callback will be called if connection is successful, otherwise on\_error callback is called. ## command($commands..., $cb->($result, $error)) Do a redis command and return its result by callback. $redis->command('get', 'foo', sub { my ($result, $error) = @_; print $result; # value for key 'foo' print $error; # redis error string, undef if no error }); If any error is occurred, `$error` presents the error message and `$result` is undef. If no error, `$error` is undef and `$result` presents response from redis. NOTE: Alternatively all commands can be called via AUTOLOAD interface. $redis->command('get', 'foo', sub { ... }); is equivalent to: $redis->get('foo', sub { ... }); ## disconnect Disconnect from redis-server. This method is usable for exiting event loop. ## on\_error($cb->($errstr)) Set new error callback to the instance. ## on\_connect($cb->()) Set new connect callback to the instance. # AUTHOR Daisuke Murase <typester@cpan.org> # COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE Copyright (c) 2013 Daisuke Murase All rights reserved. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.