Ham::Reference::Qsignals 0.01 NAME Ham::Reference::Qsignals - A quick reference for Q Signals. VERSION Version 0.01 INSTALLATION To install this module, run the following commands: perl Makefile.PL make make test make install SYNOPSIS my $q = new Ham::Reference::Qsignals; # use the get() function to get a single meaning for a particular Q signal print $q->get('qrp'); print "\n"; # use a hash reference to get all Q signals at once # the following will display all signals and meanings my $hashref = $q->get_hashref(); foreach (sort keys %$hashref) { print "$_ = $hashref->{$_}\n"; } DESCRIPTION The "Ham::Reference::Qsignals" module is a quick reference to the ARRL suggested Q signal set. Other Q signal sets may be added in the future, but the primary mission of this module is for Amateur Radio applications. CONSTRUCTOR new() Usage : my $q = Ham::Reference::Qsignals->new(); Function : creates a new Ham::Reference::Qsignals object Returns : A Ham::Reference::Qsignals object Args : an anonymous hash: key required? value ------- --------- ----- signal_set no select the set of Q signals the only set for now, and the default set is arrl METHODS get() Usage : my $description = $q->get( 'qrp' ); Function : gets a single meaning for a given Q signal Returns : a string Args : you can get a full list of Q signals by accessing the keys of of the hashref returned by get_hashref() function (see the synopsis for example) get_hashref() Usage : my $hashref = $q->get_hashref(); Function : get all q signals Returns : a hash reference Args : n/a ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The arrl Q signal set is from http://www.arrl.org/files/bbs/general/q-sigs, courtesy of the American Radio Relay League. AUTHOR Brad McConahay N8QQ, "<brad at n8qq.com>" COPYRIGHT & LICENSE Copyright 2008 Brad McConahay N8QQ, all rights reserved. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.