Compiling coffeeBEan 1.0.2 ========================== Date: Nov 30, 1996 To compile coffeeBEan 1.0.2, you will need: 1. The JDK 1.0.2 source code available from JavaSoft ( 2. The coffeeBEan binaries available from Be's ftp site ( 3. The coffeeBEan src files available at Be's ftp site ( First install the coffeeBEan binaries. Next choose a directory where the JDK source will live, we'll call it jdk-top and move the JDK source package there. Then uncompress/untar JavaSoft's JDK source package cd gunzip -c javasrc.tar.gz | tar xf - Then add the BeOS source files cp cBEan102.src.tar.gz /javasrc cd /javasrc gunzip -c coffeeBEan.src.tar.gz | tar xf - Ignore the following errors: tar: Could not create directory build : No such file or directory tar: Could not create directory src : No such file or directory If you follow the README instructions in the JDK source distribution, you should be able to bootstrap coffeeBEan from its binaries. This will take quite a bit of time because you will recompile all the Java class packages. I suggest you "cheat" (i.e. save yourself some time! :-) by copying the class directory from the binary distribution into the source distribution: cd /javasrc cp -r $JAVA_HOME/classes build/ Now we redefine JAVA_HOME because the makefiles use it too: export JAVA_HOME=/javasrc/build Next go to the proper directory and make: cd /javasrc/build/be/java make This will create both "debug" and "optimized" versions of the JDK in $JAVA_HOME/bin You will get the following errors when compiling javah and javap: ### mwcc Usage Warning: # can't locate include directory 'CClassHeaders' Just ignore them, CClassHeaders will be created when compiling java itself. If all goes according to plan you will end up with the following progs in the /javasrc/build/bin directory: java java_g javah javah_g javap javap_g The "debug" versions all end in "_g" and have more command line options. They are also slower. Should you run into problems, you can contact me but please be aware that I don't have access to a BeBox anymore so I probably won't be much help Hopefully someone will volunteer and keep coffeeBEan current with the next versions of the JDK. Good luck! -Paul Clip.