Rezonator v.1.0.a1 Documentation by Narayan Sainaney 13 December 1996 Copyright 1996 digital innovations limited All rights reserved -- What is Rezonator? Rezonator is a Resource Editor for the BeBox. It is a part of what will eventually become the Digital Resource Kit. -- What is a BeBox BeBox is a cool new dual processor PowerPC machine. If you wish to know more about it, check out -- Installing Rezonator. To install Rezonator, copy the Rezonator10a1.tar.gz archive to your BeBox. Open a terminal window and go to the location where you copied the archive to. Type in the following: gzip -dvc Rezonator10a1.tar.gz > Rezonator10a1.tar tar xfv Rezonator10a1.tar setfile -r -- Using Rezonator When you launch Rezonator, you will get a standard file open dialog to open a file for editing. You may also drag and drop items onto the Rezonator icon in the Browser. Rezonator will list the resource types available in the file. Double clicking on a resource type brings up a resource "Lister" window. The defualt lister shows you the id, name and size of each resource of the chosen type. You may create/add add-on listers that display the resources differently (a list of icons for example) Double clicking on an individual resource instance will bring up a resource "Editor" window. The defualt editor is a hex editor (this is based on SafeHex, another digital innovations product.) You may create/add add-ons that are designed to provide other editing interfaces. (A sample "APPI Editor" is a included with source code) -- WARNING This is a alpha product. There are a lot of things missing. I chose to release it in the state it is in because it is quite usable. WARNING: Be sure to always work on a copy of a file and not the original. If Rezonator crashes while editing a resource file, the resources in that file may be damaged. The next version of Resonator will use temporary files to prevent this. -- Costs and Legal Stuff This version Rezonator is freeware. This means it can be freely distributed so long as: 1) The end user does not have to pay for it. 2) This documentation is included with the archive. 3) Rezonator and this documentation are not modified in any way. The Rezonator application and this documentation are written by Narayan Sainaney and fall under the copyrights of digital innovations limited. Be and the BeBox are trademarks of Be Inc. -- Contacting digital innovations limited You can reach me at with your comments or bug reports. digital innovations limited 903-950 Cambie Street Vancouver BC V6B 5X5 CANADA