WARNING: If your source files are bigger than 8-10k and you only have 8 meg of memory, this script will take a *very* long time to complete (on the order of an hour). This directory contains a script file which will aid in porting DR5 sources to DR6. The script converts old style constants to new style (i.e. with a prepended B_) and converts the names of functions that have changed. The script file will go through all the sources in a directory and filter them with sed (a BeBox sed executable is also included). Files that end in *.cpp, *.c++, *.cxx, *.c, or *.h are considered source files. The script makes backup copies of the sources, so there is no need to worry about it trashing your sources. The backup versions of the files have a ".save" appended to their name. To start with, these files should have been extracted into the directory: /boot/be/Tools/dr6convert as that is where the script expects to find the sed executable and the sed filter files. To run the script you need to open a shell window (run the Terminal app) and cd to the directory where your sources are. Once you are there, run the following command: /boot/be/Tools/dr6convert/dr6convert and it will start processing all of the source files in your directory. The script will convert everything it knows about, however some functions are totally gone in DR6 (notably the BApplication member, IsQuitting()). Handling those cases is more delicate and will have to be done on a one-by-one basis. Luckily IsQuitting() is an easy case most of the time, as all you have to do is delete the call. Thanks go to William Adams for porting version 2.05 of sed (which then prompted me to go get version 3.0) and to Don here at Be for the excellent sed script. The sed executable (and source archive) have been placed in the directory /boot/be/Tools/dr6convert as a temporary place. Future releases of the Be operating system will have sed (and various other GNU shell/text utilities) in a more standard place. Feel free to send comments and suggestions for enhancements. BTW, if you know of a better way to do the conversion of ~600 different strings, I'd love to hear it. Happy hacking, --dominic (dbg@be.com)